Friday, November 16, 2007

First Entry : Jeff "Omaha" Miller


Anonymous said...

(Daubing at my eyes here.)

Jeff, that is so incredibly BEAUTIFUL, man! I know there are people out there who regard Estebans as GLOs*, but I think they are just jealous.

That thing brings out the very best in your playing, and I cannot wait to get my hands on it. Eat your heart out, ANDRES SEGOVIA, the doofus who couldn't even (according to the Esteban website) pronounce "Stephen"!

-- Guillermo Hammonda, Playa del Minnesoto

* Guitar-Like Objects

Tony Plank said...

Awesome job Omaha. I am looking forward to following the tour. Looks like you got a better Esteban than my $40 pawn shop special...which says much about the instruments indeed.

Anonymous said...

You are nothing but a guitar snob. I know my cousin said a friend of his plays in a band and he knows a guy who bought one of these and he says its great. What do you know? You don't even play any bar cords on that. Bet you can't. Well guess what. I can! So I bet you are foolish about that!

Anonymous said...

Jeff, I don't mean to be mean, man, but do you really need more guitar to play open I IV V rock chords? Esteban himself would probably consider this an endorsement--why not? Nice singing though.

Anonymous said...

I relish the thought of following this tour and learning about the wonders of the Esteban.

Well played Omaha....well played!

Anonymous said...

Jeff,that was enough to make a grown man weep.The sheer beauty of it all,i am humbled.

Anonymous said...

that guitar sounds crappy. it's a pity that You haven't go to higher fret positions or You didn't use harmonics.

Unknown said...

OMG, that is too rich! After seeing this vid, I definitely want in on this. I'm sure I can show the finer points of an Esteban work o'fart.


Anonymous said...

Dear Jeff,

An international broker in the loose-leaf industry was interested in a manufacturer of loose-leaf binders in your area. I suggested your company. But after reviewing your latest music video - he changed his mind. I'm sure if you keep practicing, business will come your way.

Anonymous said...

According to the Esteban infomercials that is one of the finest guitars that money can buy. I mean you get a quality guitar,pic,,strap,easy to read chord book, amp and lets not forget the cord all for an incredible low price.. With an added bonus of the Esteban method of teaching you how to play like a pro. I feel I could learn to play guitar JUST by ordering this magnificent instrument....
I hope you all know sarcasm when you read it.
I know how you can play Jeff and it is a shame that the guitar couldn't even stay in tune long enough to make a mockery of it.
I look forward to checking back to see how well received the "World Tour" is... I know that many of you out there will want to be part of the ESTEBAN World tour.. I mean this is a chance of a lifetime to play such a finely crafted instrument. :)
Great parody